Weddings in Scotland

Scotland is a fantastic place to be married. The law in Scotland means that there is flexibility and choice about where and when to be married, and choice about what type of wedding ceremony you have.

As an Interfaith Celebrant, I can hold ceremonies for people of all faiths, mixed faith and no faith, acknowledging your personal beliefs, and using words, music and readings that best reflect what is meaningful for you. Your ceremony can be religious or non-religious.

Tuesday 3 April 2012

Sunny Weather for a Spring Wedding

Anne and Andrew: 31st March 2012 

What a glorious week we have had - clear skies, sunshine and warmth! It was such good fortune that the sunshine managed to stay with us till Saturday, for Anne and Andrew's wedding at Carberry Tower.

Carberry Tower is now owned by Clarenco venues, and they have done an amazing job of recreating a special atmosphere in this historic castle. Anne and Andrew held their ceremony in the former chapel (now the Ceilidh Hall) which has been stunningly remodelled. It retains the old organ on the balcony, but one complete wall of the building is now glass, opening out on to a lovely garden space, which I imagine will be even more spectacular later in the year. It was enough on this bright March day that the hall was decorated with beautiful spring flowers arranged by Anne's mother.

Andrew and Anne incorporated a handfasting into their ceremony, and as they made their vows, their hands were tied with a cord plaited by Anne's bridesmaids.

"Look at the hands that are holding yours on this your wedding day: these are the hands that will love and cherish you through the years, for a lifetime of happiness; these are the hand that will wipe tears from your eyes - tears of sorrow and tears of joy; these are the hands that will comfort you when fear or grief is in your mind; these are the hands that will hold you tight if you struggle through difficult times; these are the hands that will give you support and encourage you to follow your dreams. These are the hands that you hold together, in joy, and excitment, and hope."

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